First of all
Unfortunately i didnt make anything grand for it this year, sorry lol
past few months were kinda stressful, today was kinda especially shit, so, decided to just take it easy, hope yall understand and accept this shitsy as like... an offering idk lol
in other news...
I'd like to publically thank @peti for giving me supporter some time ago, which now ran out lol, thank you again, this's gonna be rewarded, eventually...
why i'm so slow? well..
I am doing commissions for low poly models now... haha, and also dealing with last year of master's...
Probably should've left this announcement for later but if you are interested i am also doing low poly model commissions, details are WIP for now, so, feel free to dm me about them if you are interested
Also, gotta actually upload all the finished comms ive gotten and work on my comm sheet properly...
Speaking of low poly..
Honestly, so hyped for it, even if i probably wouldnt be able to participate properly, unless something miraclous happens, it sounds right up my alley, i'm so pumped for it!
And since im talking about future anyway...
Robot day project...?
currently working on a small shooter game for a robot day, i am giving myself a shitton of time and trying to work on it semi-frequently so, keep your eyes out for that, hopefully, i'll try to start posting devlogs when it reaches some sort of completness, for now im just working on basic engine stuff lol
it is Lee related btw (robot above), i want to expand the lore in this game, hopefully
so, see you