- Josh first person display showed debug sprite which covered small portion of the screen, now it's not visible
- The game now correctly resets itself upon reaching the credits, before you would enter the last level if you watched credits and started a new run
- Credits scroll speed is now faster
- Game is now officially version 0.9.2
- Version number at the main menu
- SalmonGamer reference
- A wanted poster for FlutterBug
Both PC and Web Versions have been updated! currently no plans on porting Web Build to itch sadly.
You can check the PC version out here: https://tscoct.itch.io/eat-bean-another-plane
In other news...
Zniw Adventure currently celebrates its 2nd anniversary!
I've made a fan game based on Zniw!
You can check it out both on newgrounds and itch.io:
You should also check out Zniw Adventure if you haven't already!
Eat Bean NES Port is being made, slowly.....
currently nothing major have been changed, aside from physics, which is still wip
he bounc
And thats it for today, thank you for reading trough this lil update, have fun!