Honestly, i was surprised by the reception on the latest bean game, like it marginally overperformed
But, it is quite flawed also, a lot of people have pointed that out and i've noticed a lot of problems myself
(Mainly inconsisent fps (kinda outside of ym control but still), lack of stuff to do, lack of planting beans (lol), general confusion due to lack of a proper tutorial or a guide at least)
so i've been thinking, maybe i should remake the thing and solve all of these problems...
while also adding in stuff i didn't have time for or the space in the Tic-80 cart
idk if i get to it or not, but i am consindering doing it at some point in the future, alo, feel free to suggest stuff too!
Thank you all for the great Pixel Day and Cya!
Up to you if you would rather remake it, or take what you learned about player expectations, and apply it to your game design philosophy for the next game that you make.
I would suggest to go in the direction that you feel the most engaged and inspired to do! Because your own motivation is the most valuable resource.