ok first of all..
Thank you for frontpage!
I really should learn more about newgrounds events, i kinda got really lucky with the themeing there, hah haha, yeah.
And also release time, majority of the game was done back in may, and then i was slowly chipping away at it throughout summer, however, i had to set myself some sort of deadline because it was getting ridicilous, which was before summer ends, and that kinda almost perfectly aligned with the robot day lol.
Well, now that i actually remember about it i can at least time my next project a bit better
Next project??
It's also Lee related (robot from Lee's DeLeeVery Service, the one dancing in the gif above)
Hopefully having an entire year and a more clearer deadline will make everything less stressed and uhhh scuffed
Anyway here are some really early dev screenshots:
what's it gonna be about?
idk i dont wanna dshare yet, i'll probably post devlogs more now, so like, make sure to sub to me for those if you are interested!
Hmmmm, very interesting... i can see you really focused on certain...aspects of your character, more than others areas at least.
next game will have more variety to "aspects" trust me